February 2020 Reading Log

2020 February 28

Everything (of substance) that I read in February, with some annotations.

A ⌛︎ before a title indicates that I have not finished reading it.

Total: 6 novels, 2 novellas, 12 short stories, 9 essays, 1 novel chapter, 3 webcomic chapters.


Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction

Most of this month was spent in a Catherine Asaro-fueled haze... But I finally managed to pivot myself to something else, by reading her story in the collection Redshift, and then making myself read the other stories. I eventually put down the collection because so many of the stories were boring or annoying; it's very rare for me to do that with a book! But there were a few that I absolutely enjoyed:


This month I read: an overview of queer social reproduction theory within Marxist Feminism; notes on the performing female face, and Judy Garland; an essay on the fantasy of cool female intellectualism, feminism, and who you choose to model yourself after; an analysis and criticism of Andrea Long Chu's Females and her work in general; a personal essay about the fantasy of being a fuckable housewife; another personal essay about coping with amputation; a piece of the political repercussions of quarantine; a brief history of the satanic panic, and thoughts on how we construct narratives of victimhood; and a response to both the Xenofeminism Manifesto and the various responses to it. I especially recommend the Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elena Comay del Junco pieces.