November 2020 Reading Log

2020 December 4

Everything (of substance) that I read in November, with some annotations.

A ⌛︎ before a title indicates that I have not finished reading it.

Total: 3 novels, 2 novellas, 1 play, 1 webcomic, 1 short comic, 26 short stories, 6 zines, 7 essays and articles, 1 poem



November's nonfiction reading included: a history of user interface design; an essay about the experience of grinding a smartphone into sand; an article about Black students during distance learning; an essay about Christianity's influence on Western Marxism; thoughts about gardens as water computers; a marijuana-focused analysis of the 2020 US election's results; and several issues of a history, science, and personal stories zine that I will write more about in next month's list.