November 2020 Reading Log
2020 December 4
Everything (of substance) that I read in November, with some annotations.
A ⌛︎ before a title indicates that I have not finished reading it.
- Chanur's Homecoming by C.J. Cherryh (novel)
- ⌛︎ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni by 07th Expansion (visual novel)
- A Stirring in the Bones by Jennifer Lyn Parsons (novel)
- The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark (novella)
- “Lady Windermere's Fan” by Oscar Wilde (play, reread)
- “Blip in the Algorithm” by Lena Raine (short story)
- “I Think” by Nat Quayle Nelson (short story)
- “I have the Essential Apparatus for Time Travel” by Mordecai Martin (short story)
- Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine, Issue 2: Twisted Tales (read 9 short stories from the magazine)
- “The night is darkening round me” by Emily Brontë (poem)
- “A Slaying in Smoke” by Epidiah Ravachol (short story, in Worlds Without Master, Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2014)
- “In Taruve: The Merchant Train” by D. Vincent Baker (short story, in Worlds Without Master, Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2014)
- “Oh, The Beating Drum” by Bryant Paul Johnson (comic, in Worlds Without Master, Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2014)
- The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop (novella)
- “Menus, Metaphors and Materials: Milestones of User Interface Design” by Boris Müller and Frank Rausch (essay)
- “Sand in the gears” by Ingrid Burrington (essay)
- ⌛︎ Murder Most Serene by Gabrielle Wittkop (novel)
- “A Dead Djinn in Cairo” by P. Djeli Clark (short story)
- "‘You’re Out of Your Mind if You Think I’m Ever Going Back to School’: When learning is virtual, Black parents can watch for unfair treatment." by Melinda D. Anderson (article)
- Mare Internum by Der-shing Helmer (completed webcomic)
- “Western Marxism, the Fetish for Defeat, and Christian Culture” by Jones Manoel (essay)
- “Gardens as Crypto-Water-Computers” by Alexander Trevi (article in h+ Magazine)
- Nightwoods by Charles Frazier (novel)
- “Weed is More Popular than Joe Biden” by Brett
- Chutney Reader Volume 5 November 1999 by Sam Skinner (zine)
- Xerography Debt Issue #20 October 2006 ed. by Breier and Smith (zine)
- ⌛︎ The Country Grind Issue #666 Summer 2015 ed. by Gretchen Bonegardener (zine)
- Opuntia 60.5 April 2006 by Dale Speirs (zine)
- Opuntia 59 November 2005 by Dale Speirs (zine)
- Opuntia 61.5 July 2006 by Dale Speirs (zine)
- The First Year Collection by Félicie Taxouck (12 short stories)
- Opuntia 58.5 October 2005 by Dale Speirs (zine)
Total: 3 novels, 2 novellas, 1 play, 1 webcomic, 1 short comic, 26 short stories, 6 zines, 7 essays and articles, 1 poem
November's nonfiction reading included: a history of user interface design; an essay about the experience of grinding a smartphone into sand; an article about Black students during distance learning; an essay about Christianity's influence on Western Marxism; thoughts about gardens as water computers; a marijuana-focused analysis of the 2020 US election's results; and several issues of a history, science, and personal stories zine that I will write more about in next month's list.