Duck Egg Basics

2015 June 11

This is modified from a half-page handout I was distributing back when I was running a small Duck Egg CSA almost a decade ago.

Duck eggs as compared to chicken eggs:

Sources: Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks by Dave Holderread & A Visual Guide to Eggs by Lauren Salkeld

Duck egg cooking tips:

Variation is Natural!

Egg size, shape, yolk color, and shell color and thickness all vary according to breed, age, diet, and season, and each duck has its own quirks. Our flock contains laying females of five different breeds and a range of ages, so eggs within one carton won't look exactly the same. We wash our eggs by hand rather than with a machine, so some natural shell discoloration is normal.

Perfect Hard-Boiled Duck Eggs

Egg & Olive